15 Years Ago: 1994
1. My favorite cartoon to come home to after school was Gargoyles (I distinctly remember this because the show would always refer to 1000 years in the past, which was incidently 994
2. I still lived in Union City
3. I was currently in 2nd grade, about to go into 3rd grade, which was also when I switched from public school to Catholic
4. My brother and I used to tie our skateboard to my bike with a rope, and we would ride around the neighborhood while he sat on the skateboard and I pulled with the bike. How no one got hurt, I have no idea.
5. My Grandma would spend the weekdays taking care of us, while we would spend the weekend at her house in San Francisco. When there, we would always watch the same tapes over and over (because they were the only ones there): A poorly dubbed version of National Lampoon's Vacation, Home Alone 1 and 2, Angels in the Outfield, and a 3 Stooges tape with 3 episodes on it.
10 Years Ago: 1999
1. I was in 7th grade, wore schoo uniforms, and had the reputation as the loud mouth in the back of the class; my teacher did not like me
2. I got braces - it also gave me something in common with my crush
3. I also experienced my first rejection from said crush
4. I would hustle Super Nintendo games from Blockbuster and Wherehouse by renting games and changing the labels of more expensive games with cheaper games, and return the cheaper ones with the labels of the more expensive games
5. I also used to hustle my classmates. My brother would buy cheap/fake stuff from Mexico like "Rolex" watches and ninja stars. That practice would eventually get me expelled from Catholic school.
5 Years Ago: 2004
1. I graduated from high school and moved to Los Angeles for college
2. I joined a student group that serviced high school students (PREP); this particular group would consume my life for the next four years
3. I first experienced living away from home, and even got homesick
4. I met new friends from all over the world, and lost touch with others. Reality hit me when I realized that there were people I would probably never see again in my life.
5. I had my first drink, my first drunken rant, and my first blacking out. All three were with my parents.
3 Years Ago: 2006
1. My Grandpa died, and my Grandma starting having major health problems. She moved out of our house for the first time in 6 years.
2. I traveled to Japan with my high school jazz band. I also performed my last piano solo ever with them, since I don't think we'll ever all be playing together again.
3. I arguably had the best summer of my life, which lasted until November 18. We had partied every weekend since the summer up until that point, which was my 20th birthday. I blacked out at 11:45 that night. The party lasted till 4am.
4. I had four different living situations in a span of four months.
5. I still thought hyphy was a legitimate genre of music (I'm not hatin', my style has just matured)
2 Years Ago: 2007
1. I first experienced living alone.
2. For a quarter, my days consisted of class straight from 11am-5pm, meetings from 5-8, and work from 9pm-5am.
3. I first moved to BMV Properties, where I still am today.
4. I finally turned 21, and celebrated thusly.
5. My parents moved away from Hayward, where I had spent most of my days. Home began to feel less and less familiar to me, and I made fewer trips back north.
1 Year Ago: 2008
1. After a long fought battle from dimensia, and being bedridden for 7 months, my grandmother passed away at 90. It was the first time I had cried in years.
2. I went through that obligatory college senior year panic, not sure of what I was going to do after I was released from the confines and comforts of university life.
3. I was the first of my brother and sister and cousins to graduate from college.
4. Started working full time for the first time, and quelled all my post-college jitters. I even missed it for a while.
5. I went to the Philippines for the first time. Had a hell of an experience.
This Year: 2009
1. I officially got sick of intellectual pretention.
2. I found myself to be the one telling "those kids" to "keep it down" because I have to go to work in the morning
3. I bought the Ronco Rotisserie (set it and forget it) and have already cooked some form of ever domesticated animal already
4. As of today, I still haven't seen any of my family members in 2009
5. Reality hit me again when I once again realized that there are alot of people I knew and met in college that I may never see again
1. I made a southwestern pork loin, roasted potatoes with rosemary, sangria, and lemon garlic vegetables for dinner
2. I got to "sleep in" till 7am
3. I wrote the address of my cousin in Spain on a postcard I was going to send to her. I've been meaning to send her something for the past 5 months. I'm such a procrastinator.
4. I discovered that all the clubs in Los Angeles are overrun with guys. When will I learn my lesson? I'm really not into clubbing.
5. I told my friends about my decision to go to DePaul University for a grad program in Geographic Information Systems, in Chicago. I'll be leaving Los Angeles in 6 weeks.
1. I had to go back to Ralph's because I planned on making spinach dip and had bought every ingredient yesterday but spinach.
2. I began what would be the first of many sessions of packing up my belongings to bring home. The moving my life out of LA is going to be a logistical nightmare.
3. Had a potluck dinner with my roommate and floormate from first year.
4. I started playing my DS again, mostly because I have scoured the internet for interesting articles enough for the past week.
5. I discovered how to sync non-ipod mp3 players with itunes. I hate the Apple Corporation, but damn, they do make good products.
1. I Will be going to work at 8...whooo I get to sleep in
2. I will probably drop my car off at the shop, now that I can afford all the repairs.
3. I will be eating leftover bbq chicken for lunch!
4. I will watch I Love Money on VH1 at 9
5. I will am probably going to continue packing up my life into easy to move boxes.
If you could go back 10 years in time and meet yourself back then, but only get 5 minutes to speak to yourself, what would you say?
"Dude, she's not worth it. And by the way, here's a recipe for some kick-ass spinach dip. You'll win many hearts with this."
Maybe I'll try and post this up on facebook and make it the new "25 things" thing that everyone seems to be tagged in nowadays.
Also, yeah, make this my official announcement: I'm leaving LA in 6 weeks.
"don't wanna end up pulling my hair out...even though I don't got no hair"