I'm not one to try and guilt people into supporting a cause, but this being something I'm joining and involving myself out of my own free will and interest and not because my school is forcing me is saying alot. So what is this cause?

I'm joining the
Car Free Challenge, a week in which participants are challenged to reduce their dependency on the car by utilizing other forms of transportation such as biking or transit. The overall message that
"...Between oil spills and climate change, now is the time to show our leaders that things like better sidewalks, more bike lanes, and frequent and affordable public transportation are part of the solution."So how does this work? Well, I normally drive 120 miles a week. Living in an area where transit is readily available and resources exist that encourage transit, there are probably ways I could reduce this number greatly (and I work for Transit.511.org! I help program transit trip planner itineraries!) My challenge is to reduce that number to a fraction of what it normally is (I'm aiming for 30) between June 1st and June 7th, all in the name of reducing my dependency on my car and overall to reduce the amount of negative impact I'd have on the environment by driving.

The event is designed to raise awareness of the need for better walking, biking, and public transportation options. And the funds raised will be used to support transportation advocacy work in California, more specifically to advocate for lower green house gas emission targets for the Senate Bill 375, which will shape the next 20-30 years of transit funding in California. Lower targets that are set will allow for counties and cities to have more funding to achieve these targets. This will affect zoning, land use, and housing developments.
So how can you help? Well visit my
profile page, read my testimonial, and if you can, any little bit of donation would help.
Thanks for your support!
"when they got me training on this program again a few years back, I took up smoking again."