One nice thing about working with Google regularly is that whenever you visit their offices, they always provide food (even if does happen to be in miniscule portions)
In my quest to visit all the major cities within a bus ride of NYC, I decided to take a quick day trip to sunny, sunny Pittsburgh (cause when you think of a hot touristy vacation spot, you obviously think Pittsburgh). Why there? I dunno. Cause it's there?My trip started off at the Duquense Incline, a historical Pittsburgh cable car incline up to the top of neighboring Mt. Washington. As such, the top of the mountain offered oh so pretty views from a natural vantage point I thought didn't exist on the mostly flat East Coast. I didn't realize Occupy was still going strong in some places: And given that I had run out of things to do by 6pm there, I figured I might as well ride the incline up again at night. Pretty, pretty views.