
Off The Top Of My Head

Part of what I plan on doing to maintain the liveliness in this blog is to randomly post lingering questions that came up for whatever strange reason prior to me deciding to write them down:

-I am honestly curious as to what compels people to post up selfies without any sort of context

-On that note, when did everyone I know stop using Twitter? Instagram is where it's happening.

-So does anyone realize that any kids born in the past few years will now have a treasure trove of comments that complete strangers wrote on the naked baby pictures their parents posted on Facebook?

-How does one obtain flaming bagpipes, and who can teach me how to play it?

-It may be because of the industry I work in (a more elaborate post will come in due time), but why does it seem like I'm one of the last of my friends who still drinks like a college student? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"I feel like arguing with you two right now but I can't think of a way to provoke you. Ideas?"


Not Going Forward Development

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've come a long ways since I was the ripe age of 23 and wallowing in the clutches of Corporate America. Well, technically, I am still in the clutches of Corporate America, but it's a much less soul-sucking facet of Corporate America. I don't think anything exemplifies that fact more than this email I received a few months ago:

And to a lesser extent:

VIP tickets to the NFL Draft? VIP pass to the Big Apple BBQ (the largest bbq event in all of NYC)?

I didn't actually make it to the draft that night, but the fact that I simply had the option was, well, fairly bad ass. Working in media certainly has its perks, and unfortunately I think the young'ns I work with can't fully appreciate it like I can. I mean, just a few years ago, this was the most exciting thing to have happened to me at work:
"We don't get out much, can't you tell?"

"That is just the best feeling ever. A battery at 99%"