
life lessons, learned and re-learned

Today/tonight defintely was a re/learning experience for me. Alot of things I'd already known or learned the hard way before had to be reiterated to me tonight, and the thing that pisses me off is that I knew all this before! Yet I still continue to do these things...

lesson: rap concerts never turn out well.
And especially those rap artists who are mainstream and whose lyrics in certain songs consist mainly of "why you wanna go and do that huh?" For example: went to go see T.I. tonight. I know of maybe, 3 or 4 songs of his, though he is a mainstream rap artist. I've learned this lesson before, with Talib Kweli, Living Legends, Lupe Fiasco (though Common gave a pretty good show): many hip-hop songs just sound better on recording. Don't get me wrong, I love the music...most of it just doesn't sound good live. Besides, I'm not even that great of a fan of T.I. anyway.

lesson: I've outgrown the whole random party thing.
Hell, I think I've even learned this summer that I might be outgrowing the whole party thing really. But there was just something tonight that clicked in me (again) that made me realize that I probably shouldn't go out to the parties of people I don't know. Went out to some party at the "Love Boat" with some of Rene's A-Phi-O friends. The lights were dimmed, the room was crowded, the place was muggy. Music blaring out of those creature speakers, people gathered together to pour shots, get together to take a picture with the shot, and take the shot accordingly. Following was a few seconds of silence while the shot was digested, and almost immediately the group of people reconvenes again behind a digital camera for yet another picture. Seems like something that would be fun amongst people you know, but I've realized that I'm just not that into college parties anymore, especially the ones that your roommates bring you to. Arrival time: 12:38am. Departure time: 12:46am.

lesson: I don't care what you say, Budweiser is shit.
Especially warm Budweiser.

lesson: there is such thing as too much time with someone.
let's not get into that.

lesson: don't buy anything for the home unless you are completely sure that it actually fits
I should've taken the measurement first before I spent $5.99 at Target for that stupid towel rack.

lesson: one glass of red wine a day is good for you
It also makes a good night cap. I've almost forgotten the good buzz it leaves you with too.

lesson: good TV after 2am is hard to come by nowadays.
And yet I'm still watching.

"I applied for a job at the mental hospital today. They said I need 24 hours experience with a retard. So uh...do u want 2 hang out?"

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