I've always believed that someday I could write a relationship column or article or whatever someday. I mean, I've read enough Cosmo articles and MSN relationship articles online to get an idea of what "works" and what doesn't. I don't want to sound cocky, but I'll say the relationships I have been in have given me experience with so many very different kinds of people. And believe me, I hear alot about others and their relationships.
And that above being my vague credentials, here I'm beginning part one of my four part series: "The Semi-Universal Guide: How to not end up solo."
It's a complicated process, these things called relationships. It's amazing the extents to which us guys will go to please "man's better half." There are so many lengths we all go through to impress the woman (or for some, the women) of our dreams. Believe or not, ladies, but we obsess about relationships and the opposite sex just as much as you do. Even when it is the most irrational thing we could ever do, we will always try to do what we can to get what we want when it comes to the opposite sex. It's dangerous. My friend once told me that he was told as a young child that the only thing that could ever bring him down would be a female.
Yes, us men are the epitome of devotion and persistence when it comes to women. The only trouble is that we don't understand why. We don't understand why because we don't understand you.
Ok let's face it guys. Women are confusing creatures. Think about your last few run-ins with a female you liked or were with. Tell me there wasn't at least one time where you thought "what the fuck?" There's a fairly general consensus that men don't understand women. We don't know why they get mad, why they get sad, what we do that's so wrong, why they say some of the things they say, why they won't call us, why they do call us, why they don't like us, why they do like us, why they don't understand why we get confused when they get mad and we don't understand why...and etc.
The idea that men don't understand is a trite and well-known fact. It's scientifically proven. And chances are, alot of us men already have learned that fact the hard way. But with everything and everyone I've run into, I must say that there are a few traits of women that are consistent. But that's for my next column.
Next time: What's true about (almost) every woman
"I thought by this time we would be having rampaging sex."
While it is beneficial for a guy to have some understanding of the opposite sex in order to make sure that he won't leave empty-handed, just simply admitting that men don't understand cannot rule out that some guys just want to sit on their ass and keep themselves emotionally safe (a variant of bottling up one's own feelings). Sometimes a guy doesn't need a girl to take him to new places; he just needs to take his mind and his heart deeper within himself and go to some scary places, like where he maybe went wrong. If he's hitting a wall in terms of relationships, maybe it's because it's the same wall he put up long before he ever ran into anybody.