Now this picture wasn’t the worst I had seen, but it got to the point where it just wasn’t right.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist and I'm not the type to go "oh look the white man is stealing OUR women." I'm not like that at all. If these people met on their own accord and fell in love, more power to them. I'm just criticizing those where it's obvious a little business transaction was involved.
There were men who were clearly past or approaching 60 with young women who looked no older than in their 20s. And the worst part was that seeing the same couples the next day, we all knew what had happened with them the night before. I understand that possibly these are some lonely men who simply need companionship in their life, and I feel for them to be driven to this point of desperation. Then again, who knows, perhaps these guys are on ‘business trips’ away from their families and wives and are looking for a good time 7,000 miles away from home.
“I just got married 2 days ago! Life is beautiful! God bless.”
-The 57 year old Caucasian man with the 22 year old Filipina woman
uncle jack can has mail-order bride?