so as I peruse through the daily front pages of Yahoo, I can't help but notice something quite odd, strange, even farfetched about the headlines.
they're something POSITIVE.
wait...what? Obama supports alternative fuels? going green? is supporting stem cell research? doesn't support offshore drilling? is reversing Bush policies?
hold on, the president is actually doing something I would...agree with?
it's been 8 long years with a Republican conservative right wing mentality at the helm of this country, and for those 8 long years, I've heard nothing but bad news when it comes to discussions about our government. I'm used to hearing about the government passing some law or placing some restriction on issues that would be progressive for the country and the good of mankind.
and now, a short week after a historical election, the news that involves the words "the president" are actually...positive?
you mean, my ideologies are no longer the underdog?
it's still strange to me to read and hear about normally progressive stances on issues becoming the mainstream. you see, I spent the good majority of my formative years (high school and college) under the mentality that the environment, scientific research, and civil rights were radical left wing issues that had no place in our big bad government. to see the role suddenly reversed is, well...unbelievable.
I feel like I've suddenly been thrust into a bizarro world in which the president and the government is finally on my side, the Democrats have actually been victorious, bloggers are taking aim at the liberal agenda and liberal government conspiracies, the conservate viewpoint is actually the DISSENTING argument, and a small, very radical, minority right wing of people are calling for the impeachment of the powers that be.

ahhh. sure feels good to be on top.
it's going to be a little strange to be on the other side, you know, to actually be part of the majority now. and I'm sure I'm not alone on this feeling. plenty of liberal tv show hosts who actually owe their careers to the unpopularity of the Bush administration and the fact that they are political underdogs are left with scraps of material to work with now. I mean, who's Olberman gonna complain about now? what's the Daily Show going to to make fun of now? who are all the musicians going to protest against now? will this usher in a new wave of counter-establishment right wing television?
regardless, the presidential jokes will still exist, and I will still continue to enjoy them. the "Bush is a dumb monkey" politcal cartoons were beginning to age, and I'm ready for a new face to make fun of. this stands in contrast to when Clinton left office, still fresh from his scandal with Monica Lewinsky. the jokes were just starting to get good.
at least we've already started:
try it. it's fun.
EDIT: this one's pretty funny too.
"The toilet paper is softer here"
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