

In the past few weeks, since I've made my official announcement to move on with my life in a completely different city, I have been inundated with inqueries as to what and who (yes, even who) I'm doing and where, why, and how I'm going. And since then, I've probably told the same answers and stories to at least 603 different people on numerous seperate occasions. And though answering the same set of questions in the same order (you'd be surpised at how similar the progession of questions is with everyone) can get tiring, I secretly enjoy flaunting my accomplishments (but who doesn't, really? I addressed this in a previous post.)

Those of you who read my blog or who talk to me on a regular basis already know all the answers to the questions that have flooded my conversations in past month. But I say it doesn't hurt to have the answers down in writing (and to use as a reference in case for whatever odd reason, I forget what it is I'm going to be doing). I guarantee you that at least over half the time I have this same conversation:

Upon mention of me leaving...

What?? You're leaving? Where to?


But why?

I was accepted into this grad program.

At where?

DePaul University.

Oh...what city is that in?

Um, Chicago.

Oh yeah. Wow, well congratulations! What are you going to be studying?

GIS, geographic information systems...


...um, satellite imaging, GPS, the stuff google earth is made of.

Oh! Ha, that sounds...good, I guess...


So is this like a master's program?

No, it's a professional certification program.

Oooh...what's that mean?

It's a shorter program that's more hands on and less theoretical in terms of experience...so I'll be doing alot less reading about the kind of work I might be doing and will actually be doing the work I could be getting into.

(obviously stopped listening to me at "less")...oh that sounds interesting. So it's not an actual master's program?


Oh. (their admiration slightly fades...) Are you going to be living alone while you're out there?

Actually I have relatives I could stay with in Chicago. They're like, 2 miles away from the campus and they're going to help me out while I get settled in.

That's nice of them.




Are you going to drive out there?? What are you going to do with your car?

Actually I think I'm going to fly or take the train out there initially, since I will be staying with my family and won't need everything just yet. Then when I find my own place I'm going to fly back, pick up the car and the rest of my belongings, and make drive out to Chicago.

OMG! That's such a long drive! Are you going alone?

Possibly. Unless someone wants to come with me on the 2 and a half day drive.

Ooh I would definitely come with you, but I might have work or school **I get this same response 90% the time**

It's alright. It's only 2100 miles. It'll be like that one movie, National Lampoon's Vacation.

What movie?

Never mind.

What are you going to do about your job?

I already told them I was leaving. My last day is on the 12th.

Are you gonna work in Chicago?

Hopefully. I'll only be a part time student, so I'll have the time. If I can't find a real job while there, I'll probably just work on campus. I may be working for access control again!



When are you going to be leaving?

I'll be leaving LA on the weekend of the 21st, gonna spend a few days packing and preparing the bay, and then leave for Chicago probably on the 27th or 28th.

That's so soon! We should totally hang out before then!

Yeah we definitely should (but I guarantee if this is someone I don't talk to on a regular basis, it probably ain't gonna happen)

Dude, you should throw a party on your last night here.

Eh. Too much effort.

Or get wasted.

That's probably more likely.

Or smoke out.


10 days.

"too bad I can't hit them."


  1. Hi Mark with a Q,

    It's Linda you actually didn't answer the questions I'm interested.

    what made you interested in that? what you gonna do and work for in the future? How much is the school and what kinda pre-reqs did you have to complete? and the most important question of all.... Can you send me a hot dog?

  2. Linda!

    I have not heard from you in forever!

    so, to answer your questions, let's see:
    I did major in geography, and this is the part of what I studied that I wanted to concentrate on...
    having experience in GIS could open alot of opportunities in local or state government (or even the CIA!), communcations firms, or even google (earth)! so we'll see where I end up after I finish...
    since it's a shorter program, it's not nearly as expensive as UCLA (phew) and the only pre-reqs I had was to send in an application, haha...
    and the hot dog and a postcard will come in the mail as soon as I get a mailing address from you!

  3. lookee boo!!! i read a whole blog of urs.. hehehehe... (yes i had to reference for pt 2) and man. i admit those wer some of my questions. (y wouldnt they be) and progression wise problee.. but i didnt have the same sentiments..... for one, the non grad school/masters thing, i think if anything i had more admiration, bcuz i understood wut it was (YAY ME!).. for 2, i kno wut National Lampoons Vacation is hahahahaha.... and now im goin to read more of ur blogs (for sure pt 2).. and then im gonna want to be writing a blog again. sigh. we'll c.
