
FAQ Pt. 2

Much like the last FAQ post I made a few months ago, found here, I have found myself on multiple occasions answering the same set of questions, sometimes even in the same order. This time around, it's not about why I'm leaving LA or what I'm gonna be doing in Chicago. It's more like why I left LA and what I'm doing in Chicago.

This is just the kind of attention I expected to get from locals here in Chi-Town, being from half a world away from this place to begin with. And much like last time, whenever I do meet someone here, you'd be surprised at how often these questions actually come up and how similar my conversations go.

Upon mentioning that I'm a newbie to Chicago...

You’re from where?


Wow, that’s awesome. Where in California are you from?

Originally from the area around San Francisco, but I went to school and lived in LA for the past 5 years.

That’s cool. So what are you doing now?

I’m a student. At DePaul.

Oh really? Wow. What are you studying there?

Geographic information systems


Um…urban planning.

What? Oh…(confusion)…how do you like it?

Well I like it enough to study it, right? Yeah?
Yeah?? Haha

(courtesy laugh) haha.

So why’d you decide to come out here? Or

Why Chicago of all places? Or why did you decide to come to snowy Chicago from sunny California?

Well I have family I’m staying with. And I needed a change of scenery.

Makes sense…I guess. How long have you been here now?

Since the beginning of April

Oh so you haven’t experienced a real winter here yet

Uh, nope. Should I be worried?

From California ,right?


You’re gonna freeze.

Terrific. Yeah just the other day there was a tornado warning, right?

Yeah yeah, we get those all the time.

But the next day it was all sunny again

Yeah that sort of thing happens here. Real seasons.

I guess so.

So you’re from San Francisco, right?

Well, around there.

It’s beautiful there.

Yup, it sure is.

You must know your wines.

Er, sort of?

Ya know, being from California and all.

I guess?

Well, welcome to the Midwest. We do things here a little differently, ya know.

Yeah I can tell.

You like it here better? Or LA?

Well things are certainly different...

Different like how?

Well the pace of things are different. I mean, out in LA everyone’s way too busy with themselves and things are just so damn fast paced...

So we’re a little slower out here, you’re saying?

No, no, no of course not, that’s not what I meant. I mean, every city has their own culture (phew, good save)

Yeah, that is true.

Let’s just say that for the most part, I'm glad I came out here...

"God, white people are so mean and they make me so mad sometimes! But it's okay Daddy, you're pink..."

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