And really, this is more than just a loss of a $70 30 gigabyte hard drive with a $20 hard drive enclosure, this is the loss of countless essays and aim conversations and pictures and really, memories. A huge chunk of my developmental years could be defined by the documents or pictures I saved on there. Gone, gone, are the old high school essays, the old aim profiles, the old emails from friends, the old pictures that girls would send me while I pretended to be a 15 year old when really I was only 12 in AOL chatrooms. Wait...I never did that...of course I didn't...
On that note, and in tribute to our formative years, I'll give you an example of the kind of (I can't believe I was into this!) crap you would find on there (warning: you may throw up, you will be gagging):
If i din`t meet u,
I wouldn`t know u,
If i din`t know u,
I wouldn`t lyke u,
If i din`t lyke u,
I wouldn`t lub u,
If i din`t lub u,
I wouldn`t mish u,
But i did n i will...
-uhm iono hu rote dis! lol
LoVe iSh.......
A BeLL iS nOt BeLl UnTiL soMeOnE RiNgS iT
A sOnG iSh NoT a SoNg UnTiL sOmEoNe SiNgS iT
StOrY iSh nOt A sToRy iF nO OnE rEaDs iT
LoVe iSh nOt LoVe iNtIlL SoMeOne ReCeIvEs It
*If I HaD Da LeTTuHz "HRT",
I CaN aDd "EA" tO GeT a "HEART"
Or a "U" & GeT "HURT",
BuT I`d RaThEr ChOoSe "U"
ThEn HaVe a "HEART"
WiThOuT "U"
B4 u go to sleep at night there is 1 person of the opposite sex thinking of u. They want to kiss u, They want to be with u they are always thinking about u b4 they go to sleep at night they are longing to be with u. This is all true not a fake if u repost this to in 5 mins the person that is longing to be with you will approach you in a month and ask u out or grab u and kiss u. But if you break this chain no1 will like u or ask u again for 5 years!!! Post this in the next 200 seconds and you WILL have THE best day of your life THIS SATURDAY.
Who wants to have the best Saturday EVER? You've got 200 seconds to re-post this.
On a less serious and cringe-worthy note, I must also mourn the passing of this guy:
A lotion bottle?
Yes. I first purchased this in September of 1999. For years it has served me well, keeping my hands moist and crack resistant. Originating in the Costco at Fremont, it has traveled all over the country, from Hayward to LA to Chicago to Riverside, where its supply was finally depleted in South San Francisco.
Why would I pay tribute to such an inanimate object?
Because it's one of those things in my life that has actually stuck around. 10 years. I dunno if lotion has an expiration date (hey it still served its purpose), but this thing has been around me longer than some of my closest friends have. I suppose it's one of those things that I assumed would always be there, like my backpack pocket or my hard drive of middle school memories. But that's something that never runs true for anything, does it?
"by god i will at least have an easy bake oven from target"
holy shit, that's a lot of lotion. me though, i'd proabbly go through it in a few months. cuz of my eczema haha
ReplyDeletealso: this is why you just post pics on photobucket or something. tehy'll be on the interweb FOREVER
i totally understand the feeling--this was me a few days ago when i had realized i couldn't find my own mini-external (files dating back from when i was in the 8th grade).
ReplyDeletebut then, i found it lying under one of my office desks, so i came away a happy person.
sorry for your loss. ;(
and to kk, putting it all in photobucket is a lot of work (uploading and uploading 5pics at a time, gah). plus, there MUST be some drawback to putting photos on the internets so they stay online "FOREVER".. the cia is watching, i know it!
cat...lucky you. at least you found it! my hard drive is here on my desk just staring at me, refusing to turn on...what a tease.
ReplyDeletetwin...luckily enough i didn't lose any of the pictures that would matter to me anyway (the ones taken with my camera), but what I'm especially missing is all those annoying animated .gifs I used to collect...