i didnt get a chance to go on facebook and wish u a happy birthday yesterday! im sorry!!! i wish u a very happy birthday!! and tizia tells me u guys had a great time at vegas! but 'tells', i mean she mouthed the words to me cus she still cant talk! hehehehe its so funny when she laughs hehehehehe shit i forgot to say happy birthday HAPPYBIRTHDAY hahaha.. birthdays are good. i hope ur not already at the age where you are avoiding them!! we are still young bro and yeah twitter is pretty cool except i tend to update my fb status instaed of my twitter.. i am ze lame have fun on le black friday! don't die x) i will be wandering around spending too much munnys on useless crap =0] happy birth for the zillionth time! thank you for making my dream of weird hayward kinda come true. let's go back to that ray's sushi, it was good! but not wait until your next birthday happy bday mang! Happy Birthday Fellow PREP Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you're back in CA, I'll buy you some Randy's Donuts! haha! Have a good one man! bon anniversaire, Mark!!!! have a tres bon bon one happy birthday Mark! Hope you're enjoying/enjoyed Las Vegas Happy birthday Mark! I hope you had a great birthday! happy birthday mark, you old man. hope u enjoy ur birthday! can't find a translation into hebrew, but i hope your weekend was awesome, and have a happy birthday, brother.Happy Birthday Mark Q!Happy birthdayy!happy birthday markkk! i was in the bay last week and it was colddddd :(but i hope your bday was super awesome! take care!p.s. i got free ice cream today! now you go get some ice cream and it'll be like we finally had our ice cream together!happy birthday markie pants! 2 TO DA 3 fasho my negro! hope you had a good one. i'll be emailing you my personal statement soon... hopefully.. Hi Mark!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great one! :) happy birthday Mark!Happy Birthday! Maligayang Kaarawan! Feliz cumpleanos! happy birthday, cousin of mine. hope it was a good one :) Happy Birthday Mark! Hope you have a good one :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!happy bday =]MAAAAARRRKKKK! Happy Happy Birthday! :D happy birthday, mark!!!Happy Birthday!Happy birthday!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! you stole my bday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!! how are you? i hope you're doing well! what're you up to these days?! Happy Birthday MARK!!!Happy Birthday! :)Happy birthday!happy bday mark!!! =) nice seein ya at the concert! hope the drive back wasn't too rough. anyway, have fun today! happy HAPPY birthday!! 'sings happy birthday.. 'smiles.bday mark!!!Have a most excelletn Day of Origination, Mark!!!! Haha, have fun celebrating!! wishing you that trite phrase you never like to post on walls, but I'm not going to say it. Enjoy yourself! Happy 23rd? Already? Seriously, it takes me awhile to figure out how old we all are now. After all this time looks like we're both back in the bay, huh? I finally understand after that first quarter of grad school that moving on with your life REALLY is overrated. I'm back in town for the next two weeks, we'll see what's going on.helllooo, happy birthday!Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!HAAAAAPPPPPPYYYYY BIIIIIRRRRRTTTTTHHHHDDDDAAAAAYYYYYyou're less young by one more year, but i hope you still get some nice stuff. there, i avoided saying the dreaded phrase. happy Birthday!!!!Hello Mark! Good tidings on your day of birth =P! lol. Hope you have an awesome day of celebration on your day of origination. that rhymes. Don't get too intoxicated. joke lang. take care! Happy birthday Marq! Happy Birthday Mark!!!! Happy Birthday Mark Solomon and former floormate! Hope you have a great bday...reminds me of when we used Mana as an excuse for your and Vicki's bday sophomore year. ahhhh miss all the good times from ucla! Happy Birthday!!! :) Happy B-day!!!!! =)happy birthday!Happy Birthday!Happy birthday man Happy Birthday, Mark!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK! Yay for November birthdays :D Hope all is well! Have an amazing day♥ happy birthday mark!happy birthday :)Hey Mark! Happy Birthday!Mark!! Happy birthday!!!Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!! holy shxt you were in vegas this weekend too? lol damnit if only i knew. hahaha oh yes!! happy birthday to you too!!! =] i love how the last comments on our wall-to-wall are the happy birthdays from last year hahaha happy birthday mark! Happy birthday, Markheezy! Happy birthday, good sir. I hope you have a wonderful Monday. happy birthday mark. i haven't yet had a chance to enjoy your chicago-style pizza gift, but i definitely owe ya. happpppy birthday! Happy Birthday walter! happy birthday =D diana misses you! happy early bday Little early, but I know I'll forget tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mark! How's Cali? If you're still in vegas-happy birthday! if you're back in ca- read this again in 55 minutes! :-D Happy birthday yo! Morning boo. Happy bday!! Again... Happy birthday mark! Any plans tonight? Happy, Happy Birthday - let's do lunch sometime this week. just tell me what day - Enjoy your 23rd year! XOX Happy birthday old fart! have good one. we need to hangout soon Twinn!!!!! I hope yr half of our bday is awesomee. Holla if you wanna do anything Happy bday! We meeting up tonight? Shit! Happy belated fool! Since good tidings on the day of origination is such a trite phrase, I wud like to wish you a HAPPY BIRTIDAY!

Sorry folks, couldn't think of a new original birthday post concept this year, so we'll have to stick to
last year's modelThanks for the wishes, everyone!
"i don't even have anything clever to say. so i'm not gonna try. good day."
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