Ever heard of formspring.me? If you've been a facebook user for at least over 3 years now, you may remember an old app named "honesty box" in which a user can anonymously post something on your wall without their identity being revealed. This led to compliments, insults, and professions of love to be communicated in the most passive aggressive manner possible (online...on facebook...anonymously? wimp.)
Never used it? Well I already explained half the program anyway. Moving on, this version allows users to anonymously (if they'd like) to ask you questions, at which point you may respond and post the answers on twitter or facebook or what have you. This is mostly just another thing for me to check while I whittle away in a cubicle at work, but I do insist, please ask me something...
anything! To start it off, here's the first canned question I had to answer:
What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good? I hate to admit it, but I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I wish someone would just put The Simpsons out of its misery. Those who know me (and those who have seen my car, thanks to the little Homer I have in the back) know that I'm an ardent fan of everything about the show...from everything before 1998.
Up until then, the show was comedy cold. It was subtle, sarcastic, made intelligent references to historical, religious, and pop culture...and was still hilarious nonetheless. I say Simpsons references out loud in applicable situations around people, to see if anyone catches it...and normally I'm disappointed (fun fact @letiziat, @joanrose..."well, we'll see about that!" was a Simpsons reference). Hell, even most of the titles of my posts on my blog are a Simpsons reference.
But everything beyond August of 1998? A slow decline towards a family-friendly and genuinely unfunny and tired concept that relies on celebrity cameos for the sake of appearing fresh, and only stays on the air for its cultural legacy (SNL, anyone?)
So I must implore the executives at Fox to please put this show away, before new generations are only aware of the Simpsons we have today and are left with a sour taste in their mouth when Matt Groening (http://www.avclub.com/articles/matt-groening,13984/) finally decides to stop living in denial and actually puts this show to rest.
That, or the Big Bang Theory. God, I hate that show.

"but I'm not finished!" "oh yes you are!"
"his name was 'Amer' or something like that. I was like, couldn't you be named Joe or Paul or something?"