Every year a week or two after Christmas, here at my parent's condo, they block off a parking space or two for residents to un-decorate their tree, haul it down the elevator, and drop off. They'll dispose of them in about a week.
When I first saw this, I couldn't help but think about how we seem to be quarantining these remnants of a holiday season past, as if interacting with them would certainly guarantee the contraction of some sort of deadly disease, like swine flu or maybe, holiday spirit.
And if not that, then it seems like this little barricade makes me imagine some sort of pound for old Christmas trees that no one wants anymore. And in proper form, whichever of these trees aren't claimed and given a new home (and I highly doubt any of them will) will, in a sense, be put to sleep.
i think weird thoughts about xmas trees too! when choosing one at the xmas tree patch (or whatever it's called...i got the name from pumpkin patch) i feel bad for the other xmas trees without a home. i also think about how they're already dead. it's like we're morticians - sprucing them up with ornaments and lights for a bit to send them off in style. it's a bit morbid huh? whatevs. haha