
Day 37: manctuary

Thanks to a friend's ambition to build his own hi-fi room, complete with record player, speakers, tv, video games, and couch in the garage, I have been inspired to to design my own "man cave" (because perhaps, that's what I'm missing in life...a man-tastic man-cave to call my own).

First step? Thanks to woot.com, I was able to pick up a nice flat screen at a fairly decent price. I have never owned a flat screen before ever, but I am looking forward to hooking up the old SNES for a spin soon.

P.S. I am well aware of the irony of a Barbie being in the background of this picture, given the context of this post. This is still my sister's room, after all.


  1. At your comment: oh my apartment is so well...less than minimalist. I'll take a pic sometimes. I'm so embarasssed about the living room. But what can I say, I'm building up and my lease ends in June so I'm planning to look for another place. I'm even more embarassed about my bedroom, I'll take a pic of that sometimes. But I'm most proud of my kitchen and bathroom though.

    You have more stuff in your mancave than my whole apartment.
