
Day 303: into the night

Journey to the End of the Night is an annual nighttime footrace wherein you must check in at certain locations in different parts of the city without getting tagged by people who are "chasers." It's essentially a massive citywide game of tag.

It's taken place in Seattle, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York throughout the year. On Halloween, however, it's always in San Francisco. So, in addition to the adrenaline from trying to avoid getting caught by a chaser, we're all in costume too.
Once you're caught, you become a "chaser" yourself. Therefore, by the end of the night, the chasers greatly outnumber the people actually participating.

We didn't last that long and were tagged shortly after the first checkpoint. Luckily we didn't care and spent the rest of the evening hiding behind bushes and cars to try and tag players, and taking transit around the city from checkpoint to checkpoint to try and stake out some new victims. It sorta went something like this:

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