I just totally thought of that off the top of my head right now.
Anyways, before we continue the list, why don't we take a look at how much I've already accomplished (asterisks and bold means I've done it):
-go in one of those tubes where the money is flying around (like you see in Vegas or in game shows!)
-do a pole vault successfully
-watch fireworks from a plane/helicopter (I'm sure the view would be awesome)
-wrestle in a fat suit
-go to the opening ceremony of the Olympics (but who could top China, really)
**climb Half Dome (but where the hell would you start climbing??)**
-drive cross country in an RV
-go to a shooting range, and fire an automatic weapon...at a watermelon
-do a favor for someone who can't repay it
-see a Cirque Du Soleil show (cause I want my own trippy knocked up-esque experience!)
-see the Blue Man Group live (I mean, I've got their cds already)
-climb a rock wall (but wouldn't climbing Half Dome be kinda like climbing a rock wall?)
-go to a taping of The Daily Show (and grovel at Jon Stewart and exclaim "we're not worthy! we're not worthy!)
-finish the ladder game...successfully!(someday, someday.)
-go on those bouncy things that people jump on and launch you into the lake
-go to the Gilroy Garlic Festival (and try that famed garlic flavored ice cream)
-own a player piano
**-make my own wine(yes I realize there is already a wine named after me...I still want my own though!)**
-learn at least one song on the accordion
**-get in trouble enough with the police to be yelled at but not arrested**
**-go on price is right**
**-go to a county fair**
-Participate in a paintball match (I heard you can get some pretty bad bruises)
-Finish a Sudoku (yeah I'm lame and haven't figured one completely out yet)
-Drive a Toyota Mark X (cause who wouldn't want to drive a car that's named after them?)
-Make a sky writer message for someone (or myself. that would be cool too.)
-Cook a frozen chimichanga in the dryer (I first heard of someone doing this in the dorms freshman year...)
-Stay on one of the hotels on the Dubai World Islands
-Conduct my high school band on at least one song
-Participate in a flash mob
-Visit all the capital cities of the world (big endeavor, but can be done, nonetheless)
-Travel far and wide to be able to see aurora borealis at least once
-Ride to every end of BART (and just ride back, too)
**-Play a part in a cheesy local commercial (or a cheesy infomerical, either will do)**
**-Drink a shot of Johnny Walker Blue Label King George V Edition (a $1500 bottle of scotch whiskey, mind you)**
-Drive around a racetrack (in my Toyota Mark X, no less)
And so, the list continues:
-Own a globe bar
-Type a whole letter on a typewriter
-Do that human sling shot thing:
-See the inside of a water tower

scientific evidence hints that it may look something like this
-Watch a Giants game from a kayak or a yacht from McCovey Cove:
like so.
-Make my own -opoly (yes, it does exist!)
-Learn a song on the organ
-Try lagavulin (a rare single malt whiskey, mind you)
-Go whale watching
-Fire a sniper rifle
-Catch a huge fish

...and throw it back in the water cause if I kept it, it would ruin my marriage
-Be a contestant on a game show (not necessarily The Price Is Right)-Save someone's life.
-Pay for the tab on a $300 meal for 2. And not flinch.
-Have my bio read at a banquet, dinner, talk show, or some other big name event
-See all the ancient wonders of the world (that are still around)
-Get caught on the kiss cam
-Ride on a parade float (I signed up to be a "balloon navigator" for the Oakland Children's Parade...might actually count as 'close enough')
-Walk down a steep hill in San Francisco backwards

got the idea when I saw a lady in heels do it
-Hack an electronic road sign (it's actually easier than you think)
So there you have it people, my bucket list, updated for 2010. My 50 before 50 (but hopefully I live longer than that).
"Please don't hoard cats when you grow up."
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