I've always been a staunch proponent of Team Microsoft when it came to the I'm a PC/I'm a Mac wars, so it pained me to learn that the industry-standard software in the world of video editing could only be run on computers that are made by a company whose mascot is a fruit.

I figured if I wanted to make any headway in this industry, it was necessary to invest in this machine (most internships
require that you are running a Mac), and make the ungodly switch over. Luckily one of my instructors knew the plight I was in and was able to hook me up with a fairly good deal (and threw in a free copy of Final Cut Pro to boot).

I feel so dirty. Yet hip.
But worry not, my natural repulsion to anything Apple related (with the exception of ipods...they're an evil company but they did the mp3 player right) will prevent me from ever becoming one of those irritating Mac fanboys who swear by the 'flawlessness' of anything Steve Jobs pulls out of his ass.