My blog tends to follow some sort of cycle. I blog consistently for a while, I stop. I apologize for not blogging.
I attempt common blog theme project. I succeed at said project. I attempt new common blog theme project. I fail to follow through.
I rant about work. I say things need to change. I reminisce on more exciting days. I wonder if this is all life has in store for me. I promise to act on it.
But there's a trend here you probably haven't noticed: all these posts have occurred sometime in the past 2 years. A sign? An indication that I haven't been completely satisfied with my direction in life since the year 2009?
In most of my posts this year (with the exception of the 365 project), I have complained, I have lamented, and I have bemoaned the direction my life has taken. I have found colorful ways to describe the state of things in my life ("largely unremarkable," "soulless mediocrity"), so I won't rehash any of those sentiments. I've said all I could on those subjects. It's gotten to the point where I have become so passionless about what I've been doing that I don't even want to take the effort to describe it anymore. So I won't.
Instead, I'll start talking about what is going to be happening (and consider this my first public announcement):
In a little more than a month, New York City will be my next venture.
More details to come.
"my life changing move elsewhere is a vociferous and whip-happy dungeon master."
ooh this is NYC post intrigues me....