Everyone knows what the Statue of Liberty looks like from upfront. How many of you have seen it from behind?
Or upskirt?

Or knew that back in the 80s, the torch was replaced?

In other news, I found myself here tonight:

Yep, the Lion King Musical. It was a good show and the costumes were amazing...

...but I can't help but wonder if the show was a bit longer than it should've been. There were too many moments in which I felt there were scenes that didn't fit into the bigger picture, songs that lasted longer than they should've, and acting that was a bit melodramatic (then again, this is Broadway). My theory, though, is that since The Lion King is something we grew up with, our nostalgia-colored glasses prevent us from accepting any sort of mutilation to the original content we've grown to know and love. As such, to see this story last an hour longer than it should can lead to disappointment for some of us.
At the very least, I got to try "Rafiki's Jungle Juice":
Traveling Bear Addendum:
Mocha joined us on our trip to the Statue of Liberty today! My
sister makes a quick cameo.
Given this last picture though, I think I've taken Mocha around to all the important sights and sounds of NYC, and as such have decided that it may be time for Mocha to go back home soon. I'll post more details on this soon enough.
aww...well my coworker went to NYC this week. It seems like Mocha had a better time than her though (from the sound of my coworker's story/drama).