If you know me, there are very few things I choose to be truly gung-ho about. A major exception to this would be the following:

Why I never bothered to look up a public Simpsons trivia event in the past boggles my mind as well. For too many years I've built up my knowledge of random tidbits and lines of this popular 90s sensation to only really be able to share with few friends. Tonight, I found another outlet in the form of a
competition for donuts:

Aside from being surrounded by who love The Simpsons as much as I do, the best part of this event was the screening of classic episodes in between each round of trivia. The atmosphere it created was reminiscent of the Simpsons viewing parties that would take part on Thursday nights at 8pm in bars throughout the country in the 90s. Simpsons enthusiasts would gather together to watch new episodes of the Simpsons, back when watching the show was actually worth it. It's an experience I missed out on growing up (something that's difficult to experience when these events were happening when I was only 9). And maybe it's the beer talking, but the collective raucous laughter at all the lines and jokes that shaped my childhood was enough to cause some strange feeling of bliss for me.
Plus, this:
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