So this week in stuff I find fairly (if not ever so slightly) interesting:
Scients unlock the "key" to music and mental illness
First up, apparently psychiatrists have finally scientifically proven that the type of music a teenager listens is an indication of what their personality is like. I rather like reading about these things, actually. Every now and then I run into these "scientific" articles that state some wildly obvious conclusions (i.e. "Scientists Conclude that College Drinking Games Lead to Higher Blood Alcohol Levels).
The article states that the type of music you listen to may make you more likely to develop a mental illness. Really now? What I found more ridiculous was this very typecast generalization:
POP: Conformists, overly responsible, role-conscious, struggling with sexuality or peer acceptance.
HEAVY METAL: Higher levels of suicidal ideation, depression, drug use, self-harm, shoplifting, vandalism, unprotected sex.
DANCE: Higher levels of drug use regardless of socio-economic background.
JAZZ/RHYTHM & BLUES: Introverted misfits, loners.
RAP: Higher levels of theft, violence, anger, street gang membership, drug use and misogyny.
Uh oh. I have an appreciation for all these types of music genres. Looks like I'm a suicidal introverted misfit loner that is part of a gang, does drugs and shoplifts and is struggling with my sexuality.
Could pandas be proof that there is a God?
Some religious fanatics seem to believe so. I mean, think about it. Pandas are an evolutionary mistake. They have an "un-bear-like" vegetarian diet, apparent lack of interest or aptitude for sex, they spend their days sitting, eating, and scratching...I mean, how could a species who evolved so poorly have survived in the past tens of thousands of years without help from a higher power?
The article mostly centers around the panda's (nearly nonexistent) sex life. They state "The male penis is disproportionately small, females seldom go into heat, and males do not instinctively know how to mate..." Hm...a species in the males have had to be given porn, viagra, and sexercise just to learn how to mate? Of course God, Buddha, Mohammed, Shiva, or some other higher deity has had to have a hand in their survival. I think these people may be on to something...
Operator get me Beijing ding ding ding
Ah, of course. The one event that brings together thousands of people from all over the world so billions of others have an excuse to sit in front of the tv for hours at a time. But the 29th Olympiad has succeeded in other things besides blowing our fucking mind (by the way, if any of you watched the opening ceremony, I heard Toshiba is coming out with those new roll up big screen TVs soon).
It's exposed the world's obession with appearance and perfection and all that wonderful junk. Critics may attack the Chinese, but the coverage that the press is even giving these allegations of trickery and such just goes to show how obsessed we really are as well. Sure, the Chinese government switched a couple of girls around during the opening ceremony because one was too cute to sing and one was too good at singing to be cute. But I mean, come on. The Chinese don't deserve to receive that much criticism over something as trivial as that. People have gone on to accuse China of being two faced, and fakers, and so on and so forth. But really, who hasn't lip synched a concert before (Remember Ashley Simpson? And did you know that Pavoratti was supposed to sing at the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, but lip synched his performance as well?) This was just a simple performance. The real criticism should be about how the government displaced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and built walls to block "unsightly" neighborhoods from the Olympic community:
...ah, that was kind of serious note to end on. Here's some other funny stuff I found online this week:

"I don't read blogs-I look for pictures and bold lettering so I can skim through"
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