\pres-tuh-dij-uh-TAY-shuhn\, noun:
Skill in or performance of tricks; sleight of hand.
Cool word huh? Dictionary.com's word of the day, November 16, 2005, my birthday.
But it has nothing to do with what I'm about to write.
No, rather, I've been spending some short time at home, and I've had time to reflect. I've had an excogitation if you will (another dictionary.com benefaction). Being at home is nice and all, and it's not without its perks (close to family, free rent, free food, free laundry!), but I'm just not ready to go back yet. At home, I can not work, sit on my ass all day and wander around the house aimlessly and feel good about it. But good lord, I have a life to live and bills to pay and people to meet and friends to hang out with and bills to pay and places to explore and bills to pay and bills to pay. The Bay Area is an amazing place, rich with culture and opportunity and boasts some of the most beautiful scenery of the world (and I mean that figuratively, too). This picture below of the sun setting west behind the mountains doesn't do justice of what I saw while driving on the bridge, but hey, I just learned that taking a clear picture while driving 80 mph on a crowded roadway is kinda difficult...and just straight up dangerous, especially while trying to text at the same time.

above: in LA the mountains would be brown and hazy and the sky would be a beautiful smoggy purplish-brown
Driving back to the LALA land was what you call, a bitch, however. Apparently nearing the end of Highway 5, about 60 miles away from Westhood, CalTrans decides to close off the road from 11pm-4am, starting that night I was driving on it. I arrive at the scene at 11:04pm. Damn. As a result, traffic stops to a near standstill as 5 lanes eventually merge into 1 while everyone exits onto the detour. So keep in mind that not only are there hundreds of cars trying to fit into a space 1/5 of what it was driving on before, the detour route was considerably long, and naturally, full of traffic. Expectedly, I lose two hours and end up coming home later than I should have. But, as always, I guess it could have been worse:

One last thing. Since I had been relegated to buying larger dress pants in order to avoid any more days in which my waist cannot breathe while at work, I have been inspired to start recreational lap swimming again. No, I wasn't inspired by the olympics but rather the extra 3 minutes I have to spend sucking in my gut while struggling to button up my pants every other morning. But man, today was wake up call though. I didn't realize how far 25 meters is after 6 years of physical inactivity. Since the last time I had done anything this physical, I have: started drinking, began living on my own-which means cheaper, less quality foods, smoked a few times, and, well, pretty much let myself go. By the time I finished my very few 18 laps today, I was winded, I was dizzy, for some odd reason, my reactions were slower on the drive home, and I couldn't help but what the hell I was thinking.
But no pain, no gain, right? Fuck that. No pain, no pain.
Total laps swam so far, 8/18/08: 18 laps x 25 meters = 450 meters
How much in shape am I feeling: Will someone kill me now?
"fuck growing up...wandering around in the mountainside with crazy youthful abandon forever"
Skill in or performance of tricks; sleight of hand.
Cool word huh? Dictionary.com's word of the day, November 16, 2005, my birthday.
But it has nothing to do with what I'm about to write.
No, rather, I've been spending some short time at home, and I've had time to reflect. I've had an excogitation if you will (another dictionary.com benefaction). Being at home is nice and all, and it's not without its perks (close to family, free rent, free food, free laundry!), but I'm just not ready to go back yet. At home, I can not work, sit on my ass all day and wander around the house aimlessly and feel good about it. But good lord, I have a life to live and bills to pay and people to meet and friends to hang out with and bills to pay and places to explore and bills to pay and bills to pay. The Bay Area is an amazing place, rich with culture and opportunity and boasts some of the most beautiful scenery of the world (and I mean that figuratively, too). This picture below of the sun setting west behind the mountains doesn't do justice of what I saw while driving on the bridge, but hey, I just learned that taking a clear picture while driving 80 mph on a crowded roadway is kinda difficult...and just straight up dangerous, especially while trying to text at the same time.
above: in LA the mountains would be brown and hazy and the sky would be a beautiful smoggy purplish-brown
Driving back to the LALA land was what you call, a bitch, however. Apparently nearing the end of Highway 5, about 60 miles away from Westhood, CalTrans decides to close off the road from 11pm-4am, starting that night I was driving on it. I arrive at the scene at 11:04pm. Damn. As a result, traffic stops to a near standstill as 5 lanes eventually merge into 1 while everyone exits onto the detour. So keep in mind that not only are there hundreds of cars trying to fit into a space 1/5 of what it was driving on before, the detour route was considerably long, and naturally, full of traffic. Expectedly, I lose two hours and end up coming home later than I should have. But, as always, I guess it could have been worse:

One last thing. Since I had been relegated to buying larger dress pants in order to avoid any more days in which my waist cannot breathe while at work, I have been inspired to start recreational lap swimming again. No, I wasn't inspired by the olympics but rather the extra 3 minutes I have to spend sucking in my gut while struggling to button up my pants every other morning. But man, today was wake up call though. I didn't realize how far 25 meters is after 6 years of physical inactivity. Since the last time I had done anything this physical, I have: started drinking, began living on my own-which means cheaper, less quality foods, smoked a few times, and, well, pretty much let myself go. By the time I finished my very few 18 laps today, I was winded, I was dizzy, for some odd reason, my reactions were slower on the drive home, and I couldn't help but what the hell I was thinking.
But no pain, no gain, right? Fuck that. No pain, no pain.
Total laps swam so far, 8/18/08: 18 laps x 25 meters = 450 meters
How much in shape am I feeling: Will someone kill me now?
"fuck growing up...wandering around in the mountainside with crazy youthful abandon forever"
snaps for rabbi solomon.