Here at mS Wineries, we just finished our latest batch, a vintage 2010 Cabernet Franc ice wine. This particular blend of icewine yields aromas of strawberries and rhubarb. It pairs well with cooked or baked fruit courses, and is best contrasted with foods that contain hazelnut and dark chocolate.
Because of the rare and exotic quality of this blend, and the fact that Cabernet Franc ice wine is pretty damn expensive, I only have a limited supply, and probably won't be able to just give these out as easily as I have with my blends from the past.
Anyways, onto the picture. What you see is mS Wineries' current stock (very small at this point, but pretty good considering I've only been doing this for 4 months). So here's what we got:
-Half empty bottle with amber colored liquid inside: Oak-Aged California Whiskey, bottled May 2010
-Gun shaped bottle: Oak-Aged California Whiskey, bottled May 2010
-Dark bottle with mS label: Merlot, Vintage February 2010
-Smaller dark bottles with black seal: Cabernet Franc Ice Wine, Vintage June 2010
-Clear bottle with black seal: Oak-Aged Gerwurtztraminer, Vintage June 2010
-Clear bottles in the back with gold seal: Gerwurtztraminer, Vintage May 2010.
can't wait to see one of your blends in the mail :-D