For those of you wondering what my justification for purchasing a PS3 was, it mostly stems from my uncle giving me the Xbox 360 that came free with his laptop purchase. Not sure what to do with a system in which I only know of one or two games that exist for it and definitely not wanting it to go to waste, I figured I had an excuse to splurge on something fun for myself and traded it in for a system I at least have some familiarity with.
Turns out I don't have as much familiarity with it as I thought I did. It's been at least 14 years since I've purchased a new video game console for myself (a PS1 and an N64 in 1996, fyi. A friend gave me my PS2, I bought my parents a Wii back in 06, but that technically isn't mine so it doesn't count. Also I bought a DS in 07, but I'm talking about real consoles here, people), and boy, have things changed since the last time I really sat down and owned a state-of-the-art system. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of features that I am able to take advantage of on this thing (downloadable content, an online community, blu ray player...and I'm sure there's much more), so allow me to lock myself in my room and hermit up for the next week or 4, and I'll let you know how much I've discovered about what these kids nowadays are into.
what the hell? you have a ps-three and a three-sixty? i had no idea.