Surely you all remember Sunday Streets SF, which is basically a citywide event in which certain streets in different neighborhoods in San Francisco are closed to bikers and walkers in order to promote community involvement by allowing residents to easily get around the urban environment without a vehicle.
Anyways, Oakland, inspired by the popularity of the event that the city across the bay had been hosting, decided to have a "Sunday Streets" of their own. Oaklavia is basically the same concept as Sunday Streets SF, the only difference that it's in Oakland instead. Although the route wasn't as long or as lively as the San Francisco version, I'd have to say that a decent crowd was able to make it out today, considering that the Pride Parade was in full effect today, with Backstreet back alright.
okay, i'll admit it. i owned a cassette tape single of "everybody (backstreet's back)" back in sixth grade. that settles my answer to which pop boy band superpower was greater.