
4 years of schooling and a bachelor's degree, and all I got was this lousy credit card debt.

I've decided to take a break from my recent downer blogposts as of late (thank you for all your sympathy, though), and want to address something that won't make people react with a gasp, an "oh my," or a "I'm so sorry."

August 4th marked the one-year anniversary of the day that I began work at the City of Santa Monica. Yeah yeah, big deal, right? I don't even work there anymore. What makes this so commemorative?

It's sorta the anniversary of the day I began life in the real world. No more obligations to college coursework, 40 hour work weeks and my very first invite to join the company softball team and an invite to the company picnic (what a frightening thought). I addressed my excitement that day with a celebratory blogpost, and with that in mind, I have to take a look at where I am now:

I've got 31 cents in my bank account and I'm unemployed.

So to play off of UCLA's signature catchphrase:
They do more than pass around debt around here. They create it.

"you know how people have a gaydar? well I have a hoe-dar!"
-heard on the streets of Westwood

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