
16 things you probably didn't know about me

recently posted on facebook as well...
And I quote:
"Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged . You have to tag the person who tagged you."
Since I've received both the "16" and "25" variations of this note, I figured I'll mix it up. 25 people have been tagged, 16 things have been said.

1)I really dislike chain letters and the fact that I have to limit tagging 25 people in these notes makes me feel as if I'm playing favorites, which makes me feel uncomfortable.But everyone's favorite subject is themselves, and I'm really no different.

2)My prized posessions are my external hard drives which contain all my pictures and my music.

3)In relation to #2, I have been carrying around a camera around with me in my pocket wherever I go for the past 8 years. As such, I've been able to capture most of the more important events and people in my life on camera. Besides, you never know what you'll run into that you'll want to take a picture of.

4)Also in relation to #2, I take music seriously. Whenever people ask me what kind of music I like, I usually give an answer like "pretty much everything." As lame as an answer that is, it's actually true. Look through my music collection and you'll find everything from Franz Schubert to Radiohead to Chuck Mangione to Billy Joel to Souls of Mischief to Luna Sea to Muse to NWA to Rachmaninoff to Foo Fighters to Tower of Power to Beastie Boys to Enigma to Nas to Fatboy Slim to Screaming Jay Hawkins...

5)I wrote the book on hosting and throwing parties in college. Seriously. Here it is: http://markwidaq.blogspot.com/2008/04/art-of-throwing-party.html

6)I can quote the Simpsons verbatim from Seasons 1-10. And sometimes it really annoys my friends.

7)I took piano lessons for 12 years, practiced jazz for 4 years, and traveled to Japan with my band. But I never said I was any good.

8)I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a wine and beer aficionado.

9)My nicknames have actual backgrounds:
1-"Mark with a Q" originated at some student group function my first year in college. People were filling out nametags for us, and when asked if my name was spelled with a "K" or a "C," I said "Q! My parents wanted me to be unique." Ever since then, when given a chance to introduce myself via nametag, it's always "Mark with a Q." It thoroughly confuses people.
2-"Solo" originated from a situation at Access Control. After I responded to a fire alarm, my boss wanted to clarify who it was that did so. Not sure of the name that was given to him, he assumed first it was my coworker Mara. She told him it wasn't her, and that it was Mark who responded. Problem was, there were two Marks who worked, Mark Solomon and Mark Hipol. Someone told him it was probably the Mark that worked in Hedrick. Problem was, both Marks worked in Hedrick. So someone suggested it was Mark who was Filipino. Problem was, we were both Filipino. So after emailing us both, and we clarifying the confusion, my boss told us this: "Yeah...your nickname will now be 'solo' and other Mark is now known as 'nipple' to keep things straight." And it's stuck ever since then.
3-"Markie," sometimes spelled "Marky": its origins are really unknown, but apparently it's popular to use when it's used as a term of endearment or if you're trying to make fun of me.

10)I have a collection of original short film works (read: stupid videos) such as "The Marktrix," "Humble Pi," and various parodies of commercials. I plan to release it all on DVD soon. Or whenever I'm not feeling lazy.

11)I've been described as a 'serial monogamist.' ...Whatever the hell that means.

12)I don't get mad often, and I try to avoid it normally. So if you ever see me pissed, I'm pissed.

13)Sarcasm and puns are second nature, so don't take me too seriously and please laugh at my crappy jokes

14)Like many others, I can control my burps and burp the ABC's. Unlike many others, I can also burp Earth Wind and Fire's "Reasons"

15)I can pass the whole getting rich and successful thing in life as long as I'm remembered for something. Preferably something positive.

16)Apparently I bake a mean banana bread.

"I am in respectful awe of #14"

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