
Seriously baby, it's me, not you

Dear Los Angeles,

Let me start off by saying that what we have shared together can never be replaced. I’ve spent the best years of my life with you, and I’ll always cherish all the memories. I mean, seriously, we’ve had some really amazing times together, and it all really means a lot to me.

But lately, I think there’s been something missing in my life.

You see, we’ve been going at this thing for nearly 5 years now. I remember when we first started this thing. It was something like September of 04, I think. Oh, I was so young then, so naïve. I remember in the beginning it was tough for us. I was reluctant of this whole thing at first, and even wanted to leave you. But we all go through that, don’t we? I couldn’t stand being around you, and took every opportunity to get away from you. But I stuck it out, and it was worth it. I eventually made peace with the fact that we were in it for the long haul, and gave you a shot. And I’ve turned out better for it.

But it’s not to say that we didn’t have our really dreadful, awkward, and dreadfully awkward moments. Sure, there are a few moments in the past 5 years that I would’ve done differently, you know, to make it easier on both myself and on others. But what’s done is done, and there’s no point in dwelling in what’s already happened. It would have been nice to avoid those really shitty moments, but hey, we can’t focus on the negative, right? I think we both came out of those situations understanding a little more about ourselves and what we had to offer each other.

And we’ve had our good times together too. A flurry of parties and concerts and get togethers and museum visits and restaurant hopping and club nights and even simple hang outs have left me experiences and exposure to sights and sounds I would have never known if I never met you. Remember those long nights at the dorms? I’d have to work till 5am, but that didn’t matter, cause we partied till the break of dawn anyway and didn’t care, cause we were still young and stupid and living our lives because we could. We would eat breakfast as soon as the sun rose, slept through the day and till the evening, and stated the whole process all over again. Good times, my friend, good times.

But that’s all beside the point. See, something changed after I graduated. I think it was the sudden realization that I had been doing this thing with you for a fairly long time now. I’m no stranger to people coming in and out of my life, but I don’t think anything prepared me for the mass exodus of people who had played some sort of role in what I had built with you from my life.

I figured I was lucky when I decided to stay with you for at least another year. I landed a good job, I live near my closest friends, and for a split second I almost felt like I could settle with you. But something inside me clicked. Blame facebook or other people’s blogs to give me the chance to snoop in and read about other people, but I realized something about some of those who had graduated with me. It seemed as though a lot of these people I had shared so much with moved on with their lives and were doing their own thing now. Big things or not, everyone seemed to be doing something different. Looking at people’s profiles and seeing them visit foreign countries, move to different cities and start new lives, or move back home and reunite with old friends left me thinking “me too.”

I thought it would be nice to have the best of both worlds, you know? Stay here with you, enjoy the life I had before while at the same time starting a new life in the workforce with no school to worry about. It really looked good on paper.

But it’s not enough. I feel like I could be doing so much more, could be experiencing so much more…

…and that’s why I’m leaving you, Los Angeles.

I’ve found somewhere new. You know this one, her name is Chicago.

I feel like I have so many more opportunities with Chicago than I currently have with you, Los Angeles. I mean, we’ve had good times together. Terrific times together! But right now, I feel like I haven’t moved on with my life since college ended. Day in, day out, even though I’m not in school anymore, just still being in Westwood is smothering.

But Chicago adds a whole new level of opportunity, uncertainty, and excitement to my life. I feel like there's a chance to experience something with Chicago that I just wouldn't be able to achieve with you, Los Angeles, and this something will definitely be worth it.

Maybe I just miss all the fun times I had with a lot of people who used to still be here. But it’s not like everyone I know is gone. I’m still having fun, and I love everyone who is still around, but at times I feel as if I’m still doing the same thing over and over and over, and to some people and groups I can only stay around for a cameo appearance before the uncomfortable unfamiliarity settles in.

So that’s why I must leave you, Los Angeles. Though our times together have been both memorable and fun, I must move on with my life. I feel as if I’ve outgrown you, and I will only be able to mature if I find a change of scenery. I feel as if being with Chicago will give me that chance.

In all honesty, it was me, not you, Los Angeles. Please don’t take offense in this. I simply feel like I need some time away from you.

I don’t know much about Chicago, but I hear she can be cold sometimes, especially to newcomers. I’m sure she’ll warm up to me eventually though.

"Have you ever lived on the East Coast or the Midwest? No? Ha-ha, ha-ha, you're gonna freeze, you're gonna freeze"

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