
Happy 100th post!

I've finally finished 100 posts! And it only took me 564 days. Which is equal to exactly 1 year, 6 months, and 17 days. It could also be 13,536 hours. Or even 812,160 minutes (try singing that, Rent!) It's even 48,729,600 seconds.

I would like to commemorate this moment by recognizing all 100 of the funny things that I have overheard or read from other people that have made my blog as witty and intriguing as it could be. Thank you, quotable friends and strangers.

09/17/2007 "I don't get it, Mark. You're not that great."-LT
09/23/2007 "Rieber 1 to OCH Dispatch, I'll be signing off my radio for the year. If you need to reach me, you can do so via facebook, email, or landline. Thank you and have a good night. I have officially stopped caring." -Solo's last radio call
09/24/2007 "I applied for a job at the mental hospital today. They said I need 24 hours experience with a retard. So uh...do u want 2 hang out?" -RM
09/28/2007 "it is in the nature of us Filipinos to complain to get what we want. that is the only way to make change." -Prof. Andersson
10/03/2007 "Kids, if you really wanna piss off your parents, buy real estate in an imaginary place." -Imaginary Places - Busdriver
10/10/2007 "I thought by this time we would be having rampaging sex." -BM
10/17/2007 "you are full of wisdom =)" -TC
10/28/2007 "you better be gettin laid." -EB
11/01/2007 "getting my degree has been the worst thing ever" -LN
12/01/2007 "Stop being emo and find some damn meaning in your life!" -SK
01/07/2008 "maybe now you can find out how the orange slayed the rake. probably had a rotato. something to think about while on the john." -CT
01/21/2008 "On a side note, if you're one of those people who type f*ck or f_ck, my respect for you has been lowered considerably. If you don't wanna curse, just use another word. Censoring the vowel means you're acknowledging that it is a curse word, and you're using it. Get bent." -SS
02/13/2008 "Wow, it actually happened. Youre gone forever. I'll miss you always and I love you forever. <333" -MVS
02/17/2008 "Okininam!" (the spelling is questionable, but that's what it sounded like...you Ilocano speakers probably know what I'm trying to say) -FS
02/25/2008 "Wow. Your students are so...urban." -an observer of PREP's 25th Annual Day In A Life High School Conference
02/29/2008 "Come on! Turn that frown upside down and take a flyer from me!...(silence as 5 people pass her by)...oh God help me." -As heard and seen on Bruin Walk
03/10/2008 "...then out of nowhere, she just goes 'the black eyed peas are hip hop royalty.' fuck the black eyed peas." -KV
03/19/2008 "Don't stress out. You are going to die anyway." -MH
04/06/2008 "has anyone given you a hugh hefner-type robe for this?" -RI
04/20/2008 "You know, Michael Jordan was a geography major. Maybe there's hope for at least some of you." -Prof. Fan
4/20/08 "donde esta...the music room?" -lady who assumed me and the group of filipinos I was with were Mexican and spoke Spanish...our reply: "you mean schoenburg? that's up the hill."
04/29/2008 "i post, therefore i am." -JW
05/07/2008 "Whatever you do, don't fuck Mark Solomon." -CB
06/05/2008 "I wanna go down on u & make u extremely happy, come back up slowly, and fuck you real good. Yours truly, gas prices." -EB
07/02/2008 "yeah you know, the greek drink ouzo. it's like being bitch slapped by a christmas tree." -JC
07/14/2008 "...and feel free to shit on my pillow and toothbrush too." -BM
07/18/2008 "our fucking couches are haunted!" -CV
07/31/2008 "uh, look, I'm probably about to get laid right now, so is it okay if I email you afterwards?" -JU
08/02/2008 "I wanted to be a geology major but I'm fat and I can't walk" -SN
08/04/2008 "guess who got a B+ in art history? not me, cause I got an A!" -NB
08/12/2008 "I don't read blogs-I look for pictures and bold lettering so I can skim through" -JRT
08/17/2008 "fuck growing up...wandering around in the mountainside with crazy youthful abandon forever" -KV
08/26/2008 "a pick and roll? a pick and roll? I fucking play football, I don't know what the fuck a pick and roll is!" -KF
08/30/2008 "I have a pimple on my nose that's making me cross-eyed." -JG
09/05/2008 "How am I? Well, I'm down to 8 cigarettes per day." -MC
09/09/2008 "you know, this inner turmoil of mine? it's hungry. give it some nachos." -AS
09/24/2008 “I now know where the bad Asian driver stereotype developed.” -AR
09/24/2008 “So you know how they eat balut on the American version of Fear Factor? Do they eat burgers on the Filipino version of Fear Factor?”
09/24/2008 “We get raped and pillaged and colonized by the most powerful nations of the world, and what do we do once we get our freedom and independence? Build the biggest malls in Asia.”
09/24/2008 “Tita Ming and Amanda look fine. You look like you just got darker.”
09/24/2008 “Wow Mark…you certainly got darker. A nice tan.”
09/24/2008 “Boracay made you dark!”
-Mom’s neighbor and friend
09/24/2008 “You look red, like roast pork. Have you been drinking?”
-Lolo Asterio
09/24/2008 “I’m not shy, you are the one that is shy…(to the tune of that one backstreet boys song) tell me why…ohh…ay jusko…”
09/24/2008 “Lolo always said when in Rome, do as the Romans do. You’re not trying to do that at all!”
09/24/2008 “Well since we’re all together, shall I bring out the Jack Daniels? The Johnnie Walker? The weed?”
09/24/2008 “Maybe I should upgrade my phone. You know, to a redberry.”
09/24/2008 “Two years ago, 500 people died at the taping of Wowowee. They were trampled because the prize was 400 pesos. Imagine that.”
09/24/2008 “I just got married 2 days ago! Life is beautiful! God bless.”
-The 57 year old Caucasian man with the 22 year old Filipina woman
09/24/2008 “And to your right, are jail cells where Spaniards imprisoned many Filipino revolutionaries. Today, it is a bar.”
-The calesa driver
09/24/2008 "Gas goes down, pan de sal goes up"
-The Manila Bulletin
09/24/2008 “Ah, back to work, na.”
-The guy next to me on the plane
09/24/2008 “Have you met Ina? She is so pretty. And you are so guwapo.
…But you are cousins.”
09/30/2008 "it's kinda mean, but it feels good" -NR
10/01/2008 "today, I am going to research the average lifespan of yellow highlighters." -JG
10/12/2008 "no I'm not gonna pick you up right now, I'm at the DMV! go get up and find yourself a damn bus!" -overheard at the Department of Motor Vehicles
10/19/2008 "we may suffocate, but at least we won't starve. at this rate, we'll run out of oxygen before we run out of tacos" -ST
10/25/2008 "you don't need to use all these facial creams, just eat bananas...have you ever seen a monkey with a pimple?" -RB
10/28/2008 "wow, the moment you said that, I imagined you about 30 years older." -CP
11/01/2008 "I feel like I should be dodging fireballs" -KV
11/04/2008 "if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen. I can eat my garlic wherever I want." -Motor Coach Operator Ranshowlee
11/05/2008 "you've got Eucharist crumbs on your shirt" -JCB
11/11/2008 "The toilet paper is softer here" -JC
11/16/2008 "Happy birthday, Mark! Please do something illegal." -FM
11/23/2008 "...but what if pigeons could become lawyers?" -was said drunkenly, probably by me
11/25/2008 "how could I forget the guy who gave me Christmas in my mouth?" -LS
11/27/2008 "so...what do you think of the dunkin donuts conspiracy?" -JW
12/02/2008 "what if someone put a spell on me?" -VS
12/04/2008 "I'd wanna be friends with Snoop Dogg someday. He seems like a cool guy." -BS
12/07/2008 "Oh God, he's so conceited, he actually thinks he has a chance with me." -JG
12/08/2008 "Who's Hitler?" -VR
12/10/2008 female:(whistles) male: (looks up) is that Bob? female: do I look like a Bob? -heard on the streets of Westwood
12/15/2008 "you remind me of my stepdad." -JRT
12/21/2008 "he wanted white cake, ain't that ghetto? "naw, chocolate cake is ghetto"
12/24/2008 "Bing Crosby? Is that the black guy or the white guy?" -VS
12/31/2008 "ooh you know its brand new when it's not opened" -VS
01/02/2009 “could you get me a crappy souvenir from every state you stop by?” -BM
01/11/2009 "I totally thought that was a penis on my McDonald's bag, but it was really a chess piece" -KE
01/18/2009 "once during truth or dare, we had someone make out with herself in the mirror. that was awesome." -FS
01/19/2009 "I am in respectful awe of #14" -CK
01/20/2009 "black people arent the only-people who have crazy sex you know " -YK
01/22/2009 "This is Riverside? This sucks." -KV
01/25/2009 "will someone sign me off please? I wanna get out of here!" -as heard over the loud speaker at Ralph's
01/27/2009 "I've had 6 wives, and currently on my 7th. But I know I've lived my life, and I have no regrets. Well, except for all the money I lost." -AR
01/28/2009 "i remember you said you were gonna throw up and we totally didn't take you seriously and you totally did and we were bewildered." -PV
02/04/2009 "Wait, that was an inside joke. You're not supposed to know what I'm talking about." -JG
02/05/2009 "Pomegranate juice? You are old." -JC
02/07/2009 "keep eating burritos, you're gonna start looking like a burrito" -MG
02/08/2009 "don't wanna end up pulling my hair out...even though I don't got no hair" -WP
02/12/2009 "Watch yo' back skank, or i might have to start spreading rumors... juicy juicy rumors. Have a great day =) *HIGH FIVE*" -KI
02/18/2009 "Have you ever lived on the East Coast or the Midwest? No? Ha-ha, ha-ha, you're gonna freeze, you're gonna freeze" -AT
02/22/2009 "Come on Mark, lie to me, tell me everything's gonna be alright after graduation" -JCB
03/04/2009 "just seeing if a visit could possibly be in order and if you would have the hospitality skills to meet my…meet my…oh whatever, if I could crash at your pad…"
03/11/2009 "too bad I can't hit them." -ED
03/14/2009 "I miss this." -RI
03/16/2009 it's all about the color. if it looks beautiful to you, it will taste beautiful to you." -SN
03/19/2009 "Why the hat? You look like a beatnik." -LT

here's a few more fun things to entertain yourself in case you didn't bother reading any of the above. a video with people aged 1-100 from all over the world, beating the same drum:

and 100 movie quotes, 100 numbers, all in over 100 seconds

see you at the next centennial! ...or even the next post. whichever comes first.

1 more day.

"if you chase 2 rabbits...they will escape"
-a fortune cookie

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