
Leaving on the Midnight Train to Chicago...woo woo!

And so here we go, the final few hours of my melodramatic countdown to the day in which I would be making my foray away from the life I had grown to know (woo melodramatic-ness!) While I may maintain a mellow and even low-key nature about my plans for the future in person, those of you who read my blog may know that for the most part, it's almost all I've been talking about. And I say, hey, I'm pretty level-headed in person, I'm sure...why not let all the drama out online, huh?

The past month has been fun, exciting, and full of the scariness and anticipation that comes with knowing your life is about to change. I've come out of it with a little more nostalgia and a lot more memories, thanks to seeing people I hadn't seen in weeks, months, years, or even decades (okay, not so much decades) and appropriately ending with people I would see everyday. Good times. The past week has been just as fun, exciting, and full of the scariness and anticipation that comes with knowing your life is about to change as well. Packing to unpack to only pack it all up again to later unpack, I've managed to keep myself busy with family, old friends and even new ones. I've come out if it with a little less bitterness, and alot more hope. Also good times.

Thank you.

And so that brings us to today, right now, while I wonder why Matrix Revolutions is on BET and continue to finish packing what will be my life into four bags. To answer the question I have been asked 23 times today (I counted), I'm feeling a mixture of emotions. That's all I'm going to say. I'm tired of people asking me how I feel about leaving.

This isn't "goodbye." It's "good luck."

"I had an interpretive dance for I believe I can fly lined up for you...and it involved a cocoon!"

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