

The Heavy has another more well known track, as made famous by that Kia commercial that aired during the Superbowl. And while that track ("How you like me now") is awesome in it's own right, I've taken a liking to another track off the same album, "Sixteen." While the song is clearly styled off of Screamin Jay Hawkins's "I put a spell on you," a track with no shortage of variations, I particularly enjoy this version.

The band's take on the track claims that "Sixteen asks the question: how much can you learn in sixteen years? The answer is, a hell of a lot, but none of it good. The story of a girl who wants to grow up too fast, taking in dancing with the devil, nightclubbing, drinking and piping on the magic whistle."

"I wouldn't trust her with the groceries. I asked her once to get me a lemon and she came back with a grapefruit. Granted, it was a very small grapefruit..."

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