
Day 36

At the end of every month in summer (June, July, and August), someone arranges some huge water fight in Central Park that thousands of people show up to. I didn't actually see thousands of people, but I'm assuming it's because we were a bit late, or rather that people just arrived in waves (no pun intended).

Seeing as we were late to the party, we decided to wake the crowd up by storming them with our cheap generic K-Mart water guns. Here's a photo of us approaching the masses...And here we are finally in full sprint:...which is the point at which my cheap water gun decided to break after two presses of the trigger.

About to run into the crowd of water balloons, huge Super Soakers, buckets, and one guy with a high pressure compressor in his backpack to shoot a constant stream of water with nothing but a hunk of water filled plastic in my hands, I had no choice but to break through the huddled masses and hope I didn't get completely soaked.

I did.

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