
Day 136: kids, don't drink and try to run a 12k

NOTE: As I am lacking the means to transfer my pictures from my camera at the moment, all I have available are the crap quality cell phone pics. I'll update as necessary when I can.

"Ran" the 99th Bay to Breakers today. For those of you unaware of this event, it's an annual 12k footrace that takes place in San Francisco, and takes you across the city through the different neighborhoods from one end to the other. What makes this event so unique is the whole seriousness of the event (that being none). I mean, how many people can say that they've run 7.4 miles buzzed?

People dress up in costumes (or not dress up at all)...

The residents along the race route throw parties for weary runners to stop by...

[I.O.U. one pic]

and plus, it gives me an excuse to wear this:
By obligation, I have to keep my blog family friendly. But also as I have had to justify to people earlier today, this isn't disgusting, this is classical art.

It's always been a family tradition of ours to participate in this race, but unfortunately the last time I actually tried this thing was in 1998. Though my time today (2 hours, 56 minutes) is a far cry from my averages in the past (usually sometime between 1.5 and 2 hours), the spirit is still the same since I did dress up as Simba one year (there are pics somewhere, I'm not entirely sure where...and no promises on whether I'll find them).

So, just some pics to sum up the essence of the race (just a reminder, I will update this part when I free my pictures from my camera):

finish line! tried to run a victory lap a la chariots of fire, ended up getting a leg cramp instead.


  1. i need to do this race some dayyy

  2. some dayyy should be next year! it's the 100th anniversary!

  3. well, if i keep doing these five mile runs every other day [except today, due to the heat], i think i'll be in good enough shape to do this next year.
