
Day -9

It's always been on my bucket list to ride BART from end to end (and I may try to attempt that next week), but I never thought twice to actually ride the SF Muni streetcar lines from end to end. It was a nice day today, and I figured I oughta play tourist and ride these trains as a way of getting to see the city.
For your reference.
I've already seen what the L line has to offer, so today I was able to take one of the more scenic routes on the J line. The trains snaked and twisted and turned in and out of alleyways and streets, sometimes in the midst of traffic and other times within its own corridors which just happened to be in the backyards of people's homes.
At the end of the J line, I transferred over to the M and rode past SF State and back into West Portal, where a delay that prevented trains from entering the tunnel there cut my trip short. Luckily I was close enough to home, so I decided to continue my tour another day.

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